The school library has a very good collection of books. It contains rare, costly and latest books on almost all topics. Besides it provides a variety of magazines, periodicals, journals, news letters and different editions of encyclopedia.All students from classes V to XII are allowed to borrow books from the library. Each student is entitled to take out on loan, one book at a time. Periodicals, publications, dictionaries, guides and other costly reference books shall not be lent out. In the event of loss of a book, a new and exact edition of the lost one or double its amount shall be accepted. The pupils of classes I to IV also can avail the facilities provided through the library. Strict silence shall be observed in the library. Students, who keep book longer than the time permitted, will be fined ` 1 per day. Each student is issued a library card to get the library book. In case of the loss of this card, a duplicate shall be issued at the cost of ` 20/-. The attention of the librarian should be drawn to the damage of books to be borrowed. A book is issued for a period of 7 days. Issue of books may at any time be suspended at the order of the principal. All books taken from the library should be returned two weeks before the examinations. T.C. will not be issued until a clearance certificate is obtained from the librarian.